We're Making Music
The Music in Schools program has so far provided professional learning for around 2,000 teachers from 1,100 Victorian schools, 1,325 pre-service

Victorian teachers and has enabled 390 schools to purchase resources for classroom music programs.

In 2023, a further 40 Victorian government primary and specialist schools are participating in the Music in Schools program.

The Music in Schools program achieves positive benefits for students and schools and supports the Education State ‘Learning for Life’ target, that ‘By 2025 more students will reach the highest levels of achievement in the arts’ through:

  • increased opportunity for Victorian children and young people to participate in quality music education, especially in primary schools
  • improved capability and confidence of teachers to teach music and implement the Victorian Curriculum F-10: Arts Music including assessment and reporting
  • increased access to music programs for students in disadvantaged schools and communities across Victoria.